Our office is in Bembridge High Street, here on the Island of Wight – we like to keep our houses close so that we can look after you and them personally : We know the Island, we know each house. We offer a quality portfolio and are very happy to help you find the perfect holiday home for you. We can also help with discounted ferry tickets.
We have a dedicated local team to help you find the right holiday home and able to organise discounted ferry tickets. We are here to ensure that your holiday runs smoothly., click through to see what you can expect.
The HB Guide is prepared to give you an easy introduction to the Isle of Wight and where you can eat, shop and what activities are open at the moment on the Island.
If you would like to be included in our newsletter giving you access first to our new houses,
latest offers and events on the Island, please fill in your details below, thank you.